Scottish BAME Writers' Network: A Call To Action
Gutter Magazine would like to thank the Scottish BAME Writers Network for their Call to Action, and if you are a reader, writer or publisher in Scotland, we would urge you to read it here.
The Scottish literary sector must urgently address the disadvantages, discrimination and lack of representation faced by black writers, editors and publishers in Scotland. We’re grateful to the BAME Writers Network for leading the way on these issues and calling for firm and practical commitments to anti-racism from across Scotland’s literary sector.
For our part, Gutter Magazine reaffirms our commitment to seeking out and publishing work by emerging and established writers of colour. We are grateful that our most recent successful Creative Scotland bid allows us to extend our programme of guest readers -- developed on Issue 21 in collaboration with the Scottish BAME Writers Network -- and will be inviting a guest reader of colour to work on the selection of work for each issue going forward, whilst working towards permanent staff and board representation. Literary magazines in Scotland have been too white for too long and we want to be part of changing that.
We will also be matching the Scottish BAME Writers Network’s donation of £100 to Black Lives Matter UK and encourage all organisations to do the same. Please read the Scottish BAME Writers Network Call to Action and think about what you can do in support of black authors. We offer our solidarity and gratitude to all those protestors and organisers across the Black Lives Matter movement in Scotland, America, and around the world.