Gutter accepts submissions of fiction, poetry and essays twice a year, in Spring and Autumn. We commission reviews for our website and print magazine on a rolling basis.


Submissions for fiction, poetry and essays are currently open for Issue 32, and will close at midnight on March 31st 2025.

Keep an eye on our social media or subscribe to our free newsletter for updates. Read the details below carefully before submitting your work.

If you’re interested in writing reviews for our website, or critical essays for our print magazine, please get in touch. These are paid opportunities, and we will ask for examples of previous work before commissioning reviews.

Please read the guidelines below very carefully before submitting. Work that does not conform to these guidelines will not be considered for publication.

Scots and Gaelic guidelines can be found at the bottom of this page.


Gutter is a magazine of new Scottish and international writing. During our two annual submission windows, we accept poetry, fiction and essays from writers in Scotland and beyond. 

We look for work that challenges, re-imagines or undermines the status quo, work that pushes at the boundaries of form and function, work that is striking and beautiful. We believe that great writing transcends boundaries, and we reject any distinction between literary and genre, high art and popular culture. 

Successful contributors will be paid a flat fee of £30 for work published in the magazine, regardless of length or style. Published authors will also receive a complimentary copy of the issue.

Gutter is operated by a small team and we receive a high volume of submissions. We aim to respond to all submissions, but if you haven’t heard from us within four months, please feel free to submit elsewhere.


  • Poetry submissions can consist of up to three poems, totalling no more than 100 lines. Please send all poems within a single text document.

  • Fiction and essay submissions can run to a maximum of 2500 words. Please only send one prose submission per issue. 

  • Work should be submitted as .docx or .rtf files.

  • Submit your work using the file name format: firstname_surname_fiction, firstname_surname_essay or firstname_surname_poetry. Misnamed files won’t meet the automatic criteria for submission and may not be read. 

  • Type your name and form (Fiction, Essay or Poetry) on the first page of your submission.

  • All work must be previously unpublished both in print and online.

  • We do not accept simultaneous submissions.

All submissions should be sent via our online portal.